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Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Compliance Toolkit for WordPress
(Ultimate GDPR & CCPA)
User Manual
Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Compliance Toolkit for WordPress
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Plugin Shortcodes
[ultimate_gdpr_protection level=(1 to 4)]
[ultimate_gdpr_center myaccount_page=# contact_page=# icon_color=#]
Compatible with GDPR & CCPA
Plugin Shortcodes
User Manual
Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Plugin
General Information
Installation via Administration Panel
Installation via FTP
Standard Support Support
Premium Support
How to
Use and Features
Ultimate GDPR
Cookie Consent
Services Manager
Age Verification
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy
Right to be Forgotten
Data Access
Data Breach
Data Rectification
Add to Page
Cookie Consent
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy
Right To Be Forgotten
Data Access
Data Rectification
Cookies Management
Customize Cookie Popup
Cookie Group Panel
What Cookies are used on your website
Whitelist Cookies
Display Advance Cookie Setting with link
Cookie Groups
Use Services Manager
How to add Third Party Cookies
If you want to block a specific cookie
How to check for cookies
Consent Log’s Storage
Logged Users
Non-logged In Users
Content Protection
Cookie Consent
Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
Right to be Forgotten
Export/Import Options
GDPR & CCPA Plugin Settings
Services from Service Manager
Integration for Additional Plugins
Integrate Ultimate GDPR & CCPA with Plugin
Practical tips
Extend Functionality of Ultimate GDPR & CCPA for Plugin
Adding New Controller to the Plugin
WP Super Cache Integration
Other Integration
Adding Fields to wp_admin
Plugin with Forms
If plugin stores any user data
If plugin creates cookies
If plugin adds cookies
Common Issues
Incompatible with the Theme
Incompatible with Plugins
Cookie Consent always visible
Issues with 3rd Party Plugin
After Accepting Cookie consent, popup is still visible, Cookie Consent is not Saved
Fatal Error Fix
Cookie Scanner
Google Analytics
Plugin created account
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Conflict
Missing information about available update
Plugin Translation
Translate GDPR & CCPA Plugin
How to translate cookie popup
How to translate Advance cookie settings
How to translate forms
Multilingual website
WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML Plugin)
Loco Translate
How to translate “Privacy Policy” text in the consent checkbox
How to translate Enter custom subheader for ‘Unsubscribe’ tab in ‘my account’ shortcode
Translate Using POT file
How to translate plugin using Poedit
Translate Using WPML Plugin
Translating using Loco Translate
Edit a Translation
Create New Translation
Downloads for Language Version
Compatible Plugins
Compatible with GDPR & CCPA
Unintegrated Plugins
Integrated Plugins
Plugin Shortcodes
[ultimate_gdpr_protection level=(1 to 4)]
[ultimate_gdpr_center myaccount_page=# contact_page=# icon_color=#]
Why are some plugins are not compatible with GDPR & CCPA plugin?
3rd Party Cookies
What are third-party cookies?
Blocking Cookies
Why are some cookies not Blocked?
Why is the Cookie Consent always visible even after consent is given?
How to remove cookies that are generated before plugin is installed?
Cookie Groups
Why is the Cookies Groups incremental?
Cookie Scanner
Why is it that No Cookies are Found when using Cookie Scanner?
Why is it that Not All Cookies are Found on my site?
Why plugin is asking for my license code?
Google Analytics Stats
What if I have a Cookie Scanner Issue?
How to use Google Tag Manager?
Other Issues
Why is the plugin slowing down the site?
Google Consent Mode v2
What is Google Consent Mode v2?
Why it’s important
Why enable consent mode?
How to turn on Google Consent Mode v2?
What happens before users choose?
Testing your setup
Customizing consent mode
The Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF)
Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Compliance Toolkit: A Certified Consent Management Platform
How to Enable TCF 2.2 Settings
Google Consent Mode v2
How to enable Consent Mode for TCF banner?
GTM Configuration overview